I want to delete my account


To delete your Ground News data, please follow the steps below:

  1. First, log out of the platform on all of your devices. You can sign out via the Account screen on the Ground News website, and via the Settings screen in the Ground News app (at the bottom of the menu).

  2. Fill out the data deletion form here. This will delete your account's data, but it will not affect your subscription status. If you would like to cancel your subscription, please refer to this article.

Please note that the account will be re-created if you log in again with the same email address.

We are always striving to improve our product for our readers, and our team often has a solution for the issue you are facing. Please feel free to contact our team by using the Chatbot or via email at feedback@ground.news, and our (human) team will be happy to assist!


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