Translate foreign language articles


Ground News provides perspectives from around the world, including coverage in different languages. We offer translation possibilities for subscribers so they can read news in different languages, too. 

Translate a Single Article

To translate articles in the mobile app, just tap the translation icon in the top right hand corner after opening an article, and it will give you the option to translate into your language of choice. 

Automatically Translate Foreign Language Articles

You can also choose to automatically translate all foreign language articles by turning on auto-translate.

To do this, please go to settings > preferences > automatic translation and toggle it on. 

Translation on the Ground News Website

If you are reading Ground News from our website, browsers often provide an internal setting to automatically translate articles as well. 

Filtering Foreign Language Sources

We do not currently have a filter to remove foreign language sources. If you think a filter would be helpful, or have any other feature suggestions, please don't hesitate to let us know at Your feedback is important to us.

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